Wooden people shaped pegs lined up in formation


Jun 01, 2023 · 1 min read

Click here for speeches delivered by AICPA executives and volunteer leaders.

Senior Member Leaders

Okorie L. Ramsey, CPA, CGMA, PMP, NACD.DC
Chair, Association of International Certified Professional Accountants
Chair, American Institute of CPAs

Okorie L. Ramsey

Vice President, Sarbanes/Oxley (SOX), Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc., and Kaiser Foundation Hospitals (Kaiser Permanente)

Okorie L. Ramsey, CPA, CGMA, PMP, NADC.CD, 是美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载(AICPA)主席和国际注册专业188bet亚洲真人体育下载(协会)主席。.

Throughout his career, Ramsey has served in several AICPA volunteer roles: the AICPA Board of Directors, the Association Board of Directors, the AICPA and Association Audit and Finance Committee Chair, the AICPA Investments Committee and AICPA Council.

In his current role at Kaiser Permanente, he oversees SOX and Model Audit Rule compliance, which includes strategy, 测试和评估内部控制并评估业务风险,以帮助确保对综合医疗保健企业的财务报告进行有效的内部控制.

Prior to this role, Ramsey served in various roles throughout his 14 years with Kaiser Permanente. Most recently, as Vice President, Finance Compliance Officer, 他负责建立财务合规计划,以支持监管和执法机构的合规,以及领导合规调查和共同开发补救活动,以解决已确定的问题. 他还曾担任税务临时副总裁和运营风险管理临时副总裁,同时执行核心财务合规职责.

Ramsey还曾担任Kaiser Permanente北加州(NCAL)地区的Sarbanes/Oxley和财务治理的董事兼常务董事, 在那里,他负责加强该地区的内部控制环境,并为NCAL区域总监集团实施人员发展和管理培训计划.

Prior to joining Kaiser Permanente, Ramsey was an Advisory Senior Manager at Ernst & Young LLP. He also held management roles with Robert Half International, Andersen LLP and Coopers & Lybrand LLP.

他是全国黑人188bet亚洲真人体育下载(NABA)的终身会员,并于2022年获得NABA首届核心价值奖. 他还曾担任加州188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址教育基金会董事会的前任主席和会计职业意识计划的前任主席, 他还是旧金山州立大学工商管理硕士项目的前兼职教授.

Ramsey拥有旧金山州立大学工商管理理学学士学位,主修会计学, and a Kaiser Permanente Executive Leadership Program Certificate from Harvard Business School.

Ramsey is married and has two children. His interests include family time, music, investing, and mentoring young people and professionals to support them in reaching their full potential.

Sarah Ghosh, FCMA, CGMA
Co-Chair, Association of International Certified Professional Accountants
President, Chartered Institute of Management Accountants

Sarah Ghosh FCMA, CGMA
Sarah Ghosh FCMA, CGMA

Sarah于2022年6月13日接替Melanie J .,当选为第90届CIMA总裁和国际注册专业188bet亚洲真人体育下载(协会)联合主席. Kanaka, FCMA, CGMA. She is the second successive woman to be elected President of CIMA and Co-Chair of the Association. During her one-year term, Sarah将专注于推动行业内的创新和转型,以确保其能够跟上不断变化的商业世界的需求. 此外,她将重点关注金融专业人士在通过ESG和可持续发展创造价值以及服务公众利益方面的作用. Moreover, 莎拉将致力于激励和授权年轻一代成为金融专业人士.

Carla M. McCall, CPA, CGMA
Vice Chair, American Institute of CPAs

Carla M. McCall

Carla McCall, CPA, CGMA is the 2023-2024 Vice Chair of the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA).

Throughout her career, McCall has served in several volunteer roles with the AICPA: AICPA Board of Directors, AICPA Investments Committee, AICPA Audit and Finance Committee, AICPA Political Action Committee, PCPS Executive Committee, and as a member and elected state representative of Council.

She is the Managing Partner at AAFCPAs, a 300-person CPA and consulting firm based in New England. In this role, 她负责公司的愿景和战略,并在推动核心审计和税务以外的客户服务扩展方面发挥了重要作用, such as client accounting service, wealth management, robotic process automation, IT & cyber security, system selection & implementation, and data analytics.

Throughout her almost three decades at AAFCPAs, 麦考尔推出了多项专业发展和包容性计划,包括:Zip2CPA授权加速计划, E3 Intern Accelerator Program for underrepresented populations, the Women’s Opportunity Network (WON), Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee, Innovation Lab, Changemaker Challenge and the firm’s Automation Initiative.


Prior to joining AAFCPAs, she worked for West Hartford-based Filomeno & Co. PC, a CPA and business advisory firm.

McCall拥有Bentley University的会计学学士学位,并获得了首届Harry C. Bentley Alumni Achievement Award in 2017. 她是马萨诸塞州注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载(Massachusetts Society of Certified Public Accountants)的前董事会主席,并一直致力于担任188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址职业的形象大使. McCall also commits a great deal of her personal time to mentoring young professionals and women. She has dedicated countless hours to community service serving on nonprofit boards, including SheGives | Boston, The Jordan Porco Foundation, and Strong Women, Strong Girls.

Simon Bittlestone, FCMA, CGMA
Deputy President, Chartered Institute of Management Accountants

Simon Bittlestone, FCMA, CGMA, MA Oxon
Simon was elected CIMA Deputy President on 13 June 2023. He first became a CIMA member in 2009 and was admitted to fellowship in 2016. Simon is an active ambassador and supporter of CIMA and the Association, currently serving on CIMA Council and the Association’s Board of Directors. Alongside these voluntary positions, 西蒙通过“未来的首席财务官计划”支持CIMA在大型企业中的品牌和形象提升活动, an initiative which delivers CFO-focused seminars, roundtable meetings, and thought leadership on the future of finance.

Anoop Mehta, CPA, CGMA
Immediate Past Chair, Association of International Certified Professional Accountants
Immediate Past Chair, American Institute of CPAs

Anoop N. Mehta, CPA, CGMA

Mr. Anoop Natwar Mehta, CPA, CGMA, is the Immediate Past Chair of the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA).

Over his career, Mehta has served in several volunteer roles: the AICPA Board of Directors, 国际注册专业188bet亚洲真人体育下载(协会)董事会, the AICPA Business and Industry Executive Committee, the AICPA Political Action Committee and AICPA Council.

Currently, he is the Chief Strategist for Analytical Mechanical Associates, Inc. (AMA). AMA has worked with government and commercial organizations solving the toughest engineering, science and business problems. Mehta provides expertise in key areas of anoopmehta771@gmail.com business development, strategic planning, and operational improvements across AMA.

Mehta stepped down as the president of Science Systems and Applications, Inc. (SSAI) in June 2021. 在他的职位上,他领导执行管理团队并监督公司的整体业绩. He had the day-to-day responsibility for managing, planning, and implementing strategic goals of the company. With more than 40 years of experience in government contracting, he actively supported NASA and NOAA programs in an executive management capacity for SSAI. Mehta于1980年加入SSAI,并帮助公司从一个两人的公司发展到超过1人的公司,000. The company achieved profitability above target levels each year during his tenure.

Mehta曾担任马里兰州注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载(MACPA)主席(2012-2013)。. 他现为MACPA政府承建商委员会委员,并担任该委员会主席两年(2001-2003)。.

Mehta is a former board member and past president of the Maryland Space Business Roundtable. 他还是跆拳道黑带七级大师,在过去的35年里一直在教授武术和经营空手道学校.

Mehta has a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from the University of Maryland, College Park. He also serves on the Board of Advisors for the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business and Accounting and Information Assurance Department

Melanie J Kanaka, FCMA, CGMA
Immediate Past Co-Chair, Association of International Certified Professional Accountants
Immediate Past President, Chartered Institute of Management Accountants

Melanie J Kanaka
Melanie于2022年6月22日当选为第89届CIMA主席和国际注册专业188bet亚洲真人体育下载联合主席. 她是第一位被任命为CIMA总裁和协会联合主席的亚洲女性. During her one-year term, 梅兰妮专注于加强会计和金融行业的承诺,即成为其组织值得信赖的顾问,并为公众利益服务. In addition, 她倡导行业需要不断提高技能和技能,以满足不断变化的市场需求. Melanie also put strong emphasis on inspiring younger generations to join the dynamic profession, advancing the profession’s digital skills and capabilities, and the importance of fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion. She was succeeded by Sarah Ghosh, FCMA, CGMA.

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